Arithmetic Operators in Python

Arithmetic Operators in Python

Arithmetic operators are used with numeric values to perform common mathematical operations

Follows - 

  • Addition ( +) = x+y 
  • Subtraction ( - ) = x-y
  • Multiplication ( * ) = x*y
  • Division ( / ) = x/y
  • Modulus ( % ) = x%y (Return remainder)
  • Exponentiation ( ** ) = x**y (Return x^y)
  • Floor Division ( // ) = x//y (Return quotient in integer )

So, let's see an example - 

Code on Pydroid 3
Arithmetic Operators ?

x = 5
y = 2

  • Addition (+) - This operator will return the sum of two or more operands. Second use of this operator is to join strings (string concatenation ).
Ex - print ( x+y )
Output = 7
Ex - x="Pyth"
       print ( x+y )
Output - Python

  • Subtraction ( - ) - This is another arithmetic operator use to subtract two or more operands.
Example - print ( x-y )
Output - 3

  • Multiplication ( * ) - This operator used for multiplication of operands. Another use for replication of strings.
Example - print ( x*y )
Output - 10
Example - x= "Py"
                  print (x*3)
Output - PyPyPy

  • Division ( / ) - Used for division of two operands.
Example - print ( x/y )
Output - 2.5

  • Modulus ( % ) - This is also come under arithmetic operator. It will return remainder of division.
Example - print ( x%y )
Output - 1 (remainder)

  • Exponentiation ( ** ) - This will return x^y ( x to the power y).
Example - print ( x**y )
Output - 25

  • Floor Division ( // ) - It will return the quotient value but only integer part ( no decimal ).
Example - print ( x//y)
Output - 2

Output of Question

All arithmetic operators are easy, only mathematical operations.

You should always see the constraints. We have to do simple arithmetic operations. 
  • Addition
  • Subtraction
  • Multiplication



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